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Surya Namaskar Health Benefits Surya Namaskar  is a paying respect to the solar. It can also be performed at the house either in the morning or within the evening. Surya namaskar should be learnt from a proper consultant. It should be carried out on a mat and not on the naked ground.  Benefits of Suryanamaskar                                                                So  your day with Surya Namaskar and notice the difference in your bodily and intellectual state inside a brief period. Celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Jennifer Aniston, and plenty of others swear by using. Although Surya Namaskar will have to be a part of your morning routine.   Incorporating Surya namaskar into a daily routine can make a constructive difference to our lifestyles. When performed properly it presents an entire body heat up as good as mental recognition. The system involves deep respiration while doing the 12 asanas which is invaluable for well-being. Yoga Poses Burn The Belly Fat Surya

How To Deal With Stress

No one can escape from stress in day to day life. Many things can trigger this.We experience it anytime once we come through some unexpected or something frustrates our targets.  We experience stress if we suppose that we don't have any time , assets or talents to solve a problem. We feel it once we believe ,'out of control' situation. How To Deal With Stress When you are harassed, your body  responds as if you are in threat.  It makes a hormone that increases your heart rate and feels restless. This is referred to as the fight -or-flight stress response. All of us responds to the situation differently. Presently we're irritable and  anxious.With the increase in a heart beat, we can find it difficult to do our work accurately. We find ourselves   less able to make a right decision. Some  factors or so-called Stress gradients responsible for this are- N. U. T. S Novelty-  whatever new, you now not skilled before. Unpredictability-   anything you h


Digital stress and your brain-                                                                                                                  Innovation made our life more straightforward yet gradually and gradually we have permitted it to bring new hassles. What number of preferences did I get?  At that point how about we take a selfie. Why has not he or she began tailing me?  Individuals have looked for mental help due to online abuse.  How does one get alleviation from these new weights?  Things are deteriorating each day and computerised stress influences our wellbeing also. Is your virtual self-assuming control over your genuine self? Digital Stress On Your Brain You are turning into a Digital Slave.  A facebook like can brighten you up.  A twitter remark or Instagram picture can make you become environmentally viable and Whatsapp visits can turn frightful.  It is safe to say that you are most inspired by what's occurring online than in your home?            


DIABETES-NUTRITION THERAPY Change in lifestyle is the important part of the management of people with diabetes.Initially, people find it difficult to accept that they have a disease that needs lifelong management.The aim of nutrition therapy is people learn what,when and how to change their diet pattern.Treating physicians are required to give advice related to diet and exercise to people with diabetes.Nutrition therapy  for diabetes type 2 is very important role in management of diabetes. Dietary management - Dietary management is the major part of diabetes care.This does not deviate from the normal diet but some modifications in normal diet are sufficient. Before change in the diet plan and exercise regimen, some factors are important- -age of the patient,                                                                                                                                       - type of diabetes, a presence of complications -current drugs regimen -treatment goals-


DIABETES-  Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disorder in the world  . Diabetes is  a chronic, debilitating disease associated with severe complications which pose severe risks for families,state and entire world. Diabetes is lifelong . As yet there is no cure. People with diabetes manage their disease to stay healthy.When we eat or drink much of our food is broken down into simple sugar glucose.Then glucose through blood goes to body cells and where it can be used to produce energy for body daily activities.Blood glucose level regulated by hormone insulin secreted from the pancreas.               Diabetic people either do not produce insulin or their body cells insulin resistant leads to rising in blood glucose level called hyperglycemia or raised blood sugar level.                                                  NUTRITION THERAPY FOR DIABETES TYPE 2 Diabetes-Top three countries in 2013- COUNTRY DIABETICS IN MILLIONS CHINA 98.4 INDIA 65.1 UNIT

How To Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain

Low back pain is a very common ailment .                                                                                                It is disastrous for the individual because it affects the earning and daily activities of the individual. Low back   pain is leading cause of disability.Ultimately this burden   pass   to the society and nation.This pain is the problem of every age group.It is acute if it lasts for three months and then   it become chronic.It is the most common medical problem for consultation after upper respiratory tract infection. HOW TO GET RID OF BACK PAIN CAUSES of a low backache-                                                                                                                    -In the childhood causes are traumatic,infective   and sometimes congenital. -In the middle age 20-50 years, the most common cause is the disc herniation and trauma. -In the later age after 50-year   disc prolapsed is a cause but another factor l

Health problems Due To Overweight And Obesity

Overweight and Obesity Obesity and weight loss have become major issues again. This time, the focus is more on health than  appearance. The more  fat you have surrounding your abdominal cavity organs, the more vulnerable you are to metabolic syndrome leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, various coronary diseases, and cancer. Overweight And Obesity Obesity means an excess amount of body fat. Overweight means an excess amount of body weight due to muscles,bone,fat, and water. When there is an imbalance in calories taken and calories expenditure.Obesity and overweight occur when a person eats more calories and burn fewer calories.Body use energy for life functions.This energy comes in the form of calories from food.Those extra calories accumulated in the body and person become obese or overweight.Many factors are responsible for this like gene,eating habits,some diseases and lifestyle pattern of the person. You can determine your o