LEG PAIN OR SCIATICA There are a variety of causes of leg pain. Some of the common causes include fractures,sprains, strains, sciatica, neuropathic and joint pain. Sciatica is the term to describe leg pain due to irritation or pressure on the sciatic nerve. It is also called lumbar radiculopathy refers to a disease involving the spinal nerve root. This manifest as pain, numbness, or weakness of the buttock and leg . Leg pain or Sciatica CAUSES Radicu lo pathy is a condition due to a compressed nerve in the spine that causes pain, numbness, tingling along the course of the nerve. It may occur in any part of the spine but mainly occurs in the lumbar and cervical spine. Most common in the lower back and in the neck. The person doing heavy labour or in sports activities are more prone to radiculopathy than the person of more sedentary lifestyle. A family history of radiculopathy or disorder of spine may be the cause. Other ...
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