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Showing posts with the label yoga

Yoga and Meditation for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

Meditation and Yoga | Yoga Meditation for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga and Meditation. Meditation and Yoga - How to meditate? Peaceful journey to connect with self. We need a balanced diet and some physical exercise to stay healthy. To stay fit keep our mind calm and  away from mental stress. For our mind meditation and yoga are the best thing. By doing meditation and yoga we become relaxed  and feel happy. Make a habit to do meditation daily for few minutes in a clean and calm area. Sit  in a relaxed position as you like and connect to yourself. In the beginning, we have some problem to do meditation but as time passes by daily practice it becomes easy.  After taking a relax position we concentrate on our breathing.  By closing eyes concentrated  on breathing for a few minutes.  Do it regularly and make a habit of this.  After some time you will find wonderful results. Meditation and Yoga YOGA COMPLETE PACKAGE OF ENERG...

5 yoga poses to lose belly fat

5 Yoga Poses To Burn The Belly Fat        Cut down the belly fat is important. Everyone knows that peer shape or apple form of bodies are usually not excellent for well-being. It's a threat for heart ailments, diabetes type 2, metabolic syndrome and a few sort of cancers. These dangers more with the apple-shaped body. Fat across the waist is tricky to reduce. Yoga Poses Yoga exercises support in decreasing belly fat. Yoga tones and tightens the muscle groups. With stretching, yoga helps to burn out body fat.  Change in lifestyle and eating habits with these poses helps in reduction of body fat. Repeat these poses at least 5 instances and preserve the pose for 15-30 seconds with normal respiration to get a nice outcome. Cobra poses  (Bhujang asana)                                                            ...