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Wonderful effects of music on brain, mind, and mood

How music affects brain, mind, and mood
                       “Without music, life would be a mistake” – Friedrich Nietzsche
                 "Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents." --Ludwig van Beethoven.
From ancient time music entered in our life. Music has equal importance in all region and culture. In all occasions of our life, it has a role either there is a festival or religious ceremony we involve in music by different ways. Since birth  to the end of life, it enters in our life in different ways. 
                                  Can you think- Why we feel so relaxing after listening music? It means music has a powerful connection with our brain. Music can relax us and stimulate to dance. Everyone likes music according to their preferences.
Music affects brain,mind,mood

Music  is effective under different conditions of life.  Nowadays music has been used to treat different diseases.  Music  therapy is a part of psychology to treat emotional and psychological conditions.  By listening to it our work performance improves and we feel  relax . Music affects each part of our brain visual , auditory and cortical areas.
Several types of research on musician mind found thick bundle nerves called corpus callosum connecting right and left hemispheres of the brain. The medial prefrontal cortex of brain related to music, emotion and memory.
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) reports that music therapy programs can be designed to achieve goals such as managing stress, enhancing memory, and alleviating pain.
A 2013 study in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that people who listened to upbeat music could improve their moods and boost their happiness in just two weeks.
A 2012 study showed that cyclists who listened to music required 7% less oxygen to do the same work as those who cycled in silence.
In 1911, an American researcher, Leonard Ayres, found that cyclists pedaled faster while listening to music than they did in silence.

Effects of music on health

Boost your immune system
Reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels. Raise immune markers to form more antibodies to fight against diseases. You become more powerful and helpful.
Music relaxes the mind
When we listening music we feel  relaxation due to a release of  certain chemicals in the brain. These are neurotransmitters dopamine and  oxytocin . Due to these chemicals, we feel good, calm and quiet. Decrease anxiety, stress and improve concentration.
Improves our learning power
The power of music on memory and learning
Baroque music and Mozart's music have a significant effect on the brain . There 60 beats per minute  beat pattern are very important. According to research learning improves by five times due to this pattern. Due to music increase  learning abilities of children under five. Students involve in music gets higher marks in maths than others. It can also improve visual and verbal skills.
Daily half-hour music practice increases blood flow to the brain. Brain become more active and reduces plasticity. So kids become smarter and improvement in their verbal  IQ.  It boosts your memory by stimulating hippocampus area of the brain.
Helps to improve productivity
Music is fatigue fighter and gives more energy. At workplace by listening music productivity of employer . As we see in the gym  there are fast music beats  to fight the fatigue.
Music calms and relax the mind
Listening 45 minutes music before bedtime help in  good sleep. Music therapy helps to treat insomnia.
Effect on heart and respiration
The music slows down the rate of heart and respiration. Also, reduce blood pressure.


In neurological conditions
Music  making involves several areas of the brain  like visual, auditory and motor so its use  to treat these conditions.
Prevent seizures
The remarkable effect occurs within minutes and reduces seizure activities. There is some relationship between piano and seizures. Due to music  super organisation of the cerebral cortex of the brain.
 Improved visual attention in stroke patients after listening classical music due to feeling good hormone dopamine which improve brain function.
In return for loss of memory
In Alzheimer or dementia improves brain function and reduce depression.
Increase spatial reasoning
Mozart music, especially piano music, increase your intelligence IQ. An increase in a cognitive function like memory and attention by listening background music.
Cure parkinsonism
Some parts of our brain deal with rhythm and movement. In parkinsonism spasm of muscle , difficulty in walking and balance problems are there. By listening music automatically some movements of muscles started.
A recent review in the World Journal of Psychiatry found that music therapy can be an effective treatment for mood disorders related to neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, dementia, stroke, and multiple sclerosis.
In pain management
By listening music severity of pain reduces so  a requirement for pain killers decreases.  Music therapy used in post-operative pain, during childbirth , and in painful conditions. Due to this release of endorphins to  reducing the severity of pain.
Even a five months old baby  responds to music it means music is in our genes. Music has a great role in our life and health.
                               If you like my post please comment. Wait for my next informative post.
                           Also Read-Importance Of Good Sleep For Our Health
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